2011 Star Spangled Rodeo - June 24-25

2011 Club Officers

President: Danny Scholes
Vice President: Steve Sluder
Secretary: Lorraine Scholes
Financial Secretary: Teresa Scholes
Historian: Diane Graham
Directors: Jim Graham - Chuckwagon
Daron and Sherry Mangum - Dinners
Deane Harrison - Rodeo Sponsorships
Rodeo Chairman: Jeff Burnett
Rodeo Concessions: Gevena Crookston

Monday, May 10, 2010

Breakfast Ride for the Family!!

Saturday, May 15 2010

9:00 AM breakfast served- Meet at the mouth of North Cottonwood Canyon on Blacksmith Fork Canyon road (Hwy 101). North Cottonwood is located approximately four miles before you reach Hardware Ranch.

The ride will begin around 10:00 AM. We will be riding up South Cottonwood Canyon. Lunch will also be provided.

Please let us know before Thursday, May 13th if you will be attending. RSVP by email or contact Lorraine and Danny at 245-0490 or Charity and Robert at 245-6981.

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